Cadmium oil paint
Cadmium is a silvery white metal that melts at just over 700 degrees Celsius. Since the discovery of cadmium in 1817 by German chemist Friedrich Stromeyer, cadmium compounds have been used as a source of colour. While George Field, whose chemical colophon was published in 1809, Stromeyer was the first to propose the use of bright yellow cadmium sulphide in artists’ colours.
When you think of the colour red, great emotions most likely come to mind. This is the reason why artists like it so much. Red is an extremely dominant colour and even a small piece in a painting will grab your attention. It is the colour most often associated with strong feelings such as love, passion and anger, as well as heat, fire and blood. Cadmium red is a very strong, warm and opaque red and became a natural substitute for the striking but toxic vermilion in the first half of the 20th century.
Cadmium has the widest range of hues of any inorganic pigment group. These hues range from pale to golden, deep yellows, bright, fiery oranges to bright, vivid scarlets, deep reds and maroon.
– despite the fact that George Field, whose chemical colour work at Winsor & Newton was highly influential, discusses cadmium yellow for use in watercolour in 1809.
After commercial development began in Germany in the 1830s, cadmium became more accessible to artists. At the 1851 Crystal Palace fair, Winsor & Newton displayed cadmium gold. Cadmiums were highly valued during this period, despite their high cost because of their durability, brilliance, opacity, and mixing abilities.
Switching to Red
Cadmium red first appeared after the introduction of cadmium yellow. The early reds were created by heating cadmium yellow and selenium together. A patent for the manufacture of cadmium orange and cadmium red was filed in 1919. The process involved mixing cadmium salt solutions with alkali and alkaline earth sulphides, then heating the resulting precipitate. For those of us who didn’t pay attention in chemistry class, a precipitate is a solid substance or group of particles that remains in a solution after a chemical reaction, and the process is appropriately called precipitation.
What about safety?
Cadmium is a heavy metal that is poisonous, but EC classification does not classify cadmium pigments as hazardous for use. The amount of soluble cadmium in the pigments is so low that no hazard alerts are needed, and they pose no greater risk than other pigment forms when swallowed or inhaled. Certain uses of cadmium pigments are prohibited, although this prohibition does not extend to artists’ colours.
Cadmium red, whether natural or synthetic, can add brightness, resilience, opacity, and maybe a touch of passion to any artist’s work, and is now widely regarded as a viable alternative to the erratic and poisonous vermilion. Winsor & Newton Artists’ Oil Colors are available in Cadmium Red and Cadmium Red Deep.
Generally speaking also there are some major colors in oil painting
Types of main colors
Cool red colors are:
Alizarin red, Ronasi red, Talu red, Venetian red, Red (Indian) red and Light red.
Types of main colors Warm red colors are:
Light Cadmium Red, Medium Cadmium Red, Turbid Cadmium Red, Vermilion Red, Accra Red, Carmen Red, Cena Red.
Types of main colors Cool yellow colors are:
Pale cadmium yellow Lemon yellow, Naples yellow, Cena yellow, Cadmium yellow orange.
Types of main colors Warm yellow colors are:
Medium cadmium yellow, opaque cadmium yellow, Naples yellow, Cena yellow, orange cadmium yellow.
Types of main colors Cool blue colors are:
Prussian blue, Salo blue, green and iridian, black lamp.
Types of main colors Warm blue colors are:
Azure Blue, Cobalt Blue, Cerulean blue, Permanent Light Green, Salo Blue Green, Cobalt Purple, Ivory Black (Ivory)
Cold white is rim white and warm white is titanium white.
Types of main colors The names of the different colors are as follows:
Blue: fine-grained ultramarine / Prussian or Paris blue (iron cyanogen) Cobalt garlic blue, light blue / Pyrol blue.
Yellow: Accra, Acre Gold / March Yellow / Cadmium Yellow, Light, Medium and Dark / Naples Yellow (Lead Antimony), Dark and Light.
All kinds of original colors
Types of main colors Yellow
The main yellow is yellow in which there is no tendency to other colors. Among the available yellows, cadmium yellow with a medium degree of opacity is the closest color to the main yellow of the color wheel. Cadmium yellow is also made with dark and light degrees. But its average grade is used the most.
Types of main colors Red
The colors available under the name red are also very diverse, and although they are sometimes referred to as the original red, they do not all have the characteristics of the original red. One of the most popular reds is cadmium red and alizarin red, which is made in different types of garlic and light. At the same time, none of them are the original red. But the mixture of the two reds is close to the original color.
Types of main colors Blue
There are many different blues on the market today, the most famous of which are ultramarine blue, cobalt blue and Prussian blue, but none of these blues are the main color. Colors are also presented under the title of original blue, but the fact is that they are also different from the original blue. Meanwhile, cobalt blue and ultramarine blue, which are slightly darker than the main color, can be used as a color close to the main blue with a little lightening.
All kinds of original colors
Red: March red / dark cadmium red, light / alizarin red / red and spear (iron oxide) / pazuli red.
Green: Viridian (green chromium hydroxide) / Cream green / Tertiary (ferrous oxide and silicate acid) / Emerald green.
Orange, purple, brown: Cadmium orange / Ultramarine purple / Cobalt purple / Baked amber Cypriot / Baked amber.
Black: Black ivory / black smoke / white lead / white zinc.
Types of main colors Its color and composition:
Orange, purple and brown are the colors that come from the three primary colors. These are easily created through the composition and need to be backed up independently on the board. This is especially true of orange purple, but there is an orange color called cadmium orange. Pure purple, which is a combination of alizarin red and ultramarine blue, is not found as a pigment. Ultramarine and cobalt violets are among the violets that are suitable for working on lime. Cobalt purple, also known as cobalt arsenate, is one of the few truly toxic substances on the board, but its purity or color strength is not great.
Baked cinnamon is the most important brown pigment and forms the purest form of iron oxide. It is impossible to create this redness with other colors.
Crude cine or iron peroxide Cena soil is not naturally a very important dye, and although it has a coating power, it is unpleasantly thick and is usually not used in its pure form. By placing it under the paint, it works well as a glaze and becomes shiny.
This color combines directly with most pigments to create a variety of colors. Amber is the darkest natural pigment. The best natural type is Cypriot amber, which turns red after cooking. Its active agent is iron oxide particles in the soil, which derives its color property from manganese compounds.
Amber, both raw and cooked, is a shade color for classics.
Baked amber in some cases has the property of shadow, but its opacity and opacity, like any dark color, creates a hole-like appearance in the painting. This pigment delays the drying of the oil in the paint. However, cooked amber is suitable for darkening all colors and works better than black. This color, when mixed with Prussian blue, creates a good rich black. Rembrandt has rarely used amber in his mysterious black paintings.
The common hood derives its strange name from the color of the skeletons of Roman crypts. However, it is slightly similar in color and has nothing in common with its composition. This color is synthesized in different types of manganese compounds, the most important of which are reddish brown, garlic and purple brown. This type of paint does not make good combinations because it is very vague and not intense. Its purple varieties can be used to show freshly plowed earth shades. This color creates the color of spring buds when consumed as a semi-glaze
Viridian oil paint
Rembrandt specialist oil colour is a high-quality paint made in Holland using only the finest raw materials. The collection boasts vibrant, intense colours in a variety of opacities. For maximum colour intensity, finely ground pigments are highly concentrated. Paints have the highest degree of lightfastness, as well as excellent paint coat longevity.
A nontoxic glazing paint that was first synthesised in 1859 and eventually replaced Verdigris and Emerald Green by the turn of the century. It has strong tinting strength, with a subdued tint that resembles the colours of nature.
Viridian is a vivid, bluish green that retains its brightness even when mixed with other colours. Because of the process he invented in 1859, the pigment is also known as verte de Guignet.